June 27th, 2022
(Ithaca, NY) – The new 2022-2023 Tompkins County Curbside Recycling Guidelines brochure is now available. The brochure is produced by the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management (TCRMM) and covers the 12-month period from July 2022 through June 2023.
The publication includes a recycling pick-up calendar and valuable information about curbside recycling collection. Residents should note that recycling collection will be on a one day delay during the week of July 4th due to the Independence Day holiday.
County residents are reminded to check the guidelines to be sure that an item is recyclable before including it in their bin. Plastic bags and films, Styrofoam, electronics, clothing, padded envelopes, and many other items are not accepted. Curbside recycling bins with unacceptable items will be left at the curb with a sticker explaining the reason for rejection.
Copies of the 2022-2023 Curbside Recycling Guidelines are available at the TCRMM Office at 122 Commercial Avenue and as the Recycling and Solid Waste Center public drop off area. They have also been made available at municipal offices, Food Scraps Recycling Drop Spots, and various grocery store service desks throughout Tompkins County.
For an electronic copy, please visit our website,
Jeremy Betterley
Communications Coordinator