Borrow-A-Bin Program
Public Event Recycling Program
Looking for a way to recycle at your next community event? Consider the Borrow-A-Bin program.
The Borrow-A-Bin program is a free service that aims to maximize waste diversion at events in Tompkins County by loaning up to 20 recycling bins to local events, large or small.
How to Borrow-A-Bin:
- Fill out the Bin Request Form. Bins will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Please allow time to process your request.
- Transportation of bins to and from the event is the responsibility of the event’s recycling coordinator or the bin borrower.
- Up to 2 bags per bin offered, totaling up to 20 bags per sign-out. Most bins require a 50-gallon trash bag.
- Assembly and breakdown of the bins are the responsibility of the event’s recycling coordinator or bin borrower.
- Bins must be returned clean and in good condition within two (2) business days following your event.
Planning an Event with Recycling:
- The estimated attendance for the event.
- The number of bins you will need for recycling, composting (if applicable), and trash collection.
- The types of materials you will collect: aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, plastic cups, etc.
- Collecting redeemable containers separately as a fundraiser.
- Composting at your event – contact us for potential support collecting compost, and Cornell Cooperative Extension to learn about the Compost Education Program.
- Collection and transport of recyclables to the Recycling and Solid Waste Center (RSWC) after the event.
Suggested Promotion Ideas:
- Pre- and post-event press releases featuring the recycling program.
- Reminders to recycle during the event over a P.A. system.
- Special shirts for the cleaning crew, advertising recycling.
- Information about the recycling program in publications, programs, ads, etc…