
To participate in a drop off event Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs) must:

  1. Have a valid Permit
  2. Fill out a CESQG Application AND/OR a Universal Waste Application and submit least one week in advance
  3. Provide payment – by cash, check (made out to Tompkins County), accepted credit card, or credit account

Additional Information: CESQGs will be provided with a written cost estimate in advance. Once a written cost estimate is accepted, an appointment can be scheduled to drop-off the materials at an upcoming HHW Drop Off Event.


A generator is a CESQG if, in a calendar month:

  • They generate no more than 220 pounds of hazardous waste,
  • They generate no more than 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste, and
  • They generate no more than 220 pounds of material from the cleanup of a spillage of acute hazardous waste

AND, at anytime:

  • They store no more than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste, and
  • They store no more than 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste.

A generator that is a CESQG:

  • Does not need to acquire an EPA RCRA ID Number,
  • Does not need to use a Hazardous Waste Manifest form, and
  • Does not need to submit an Annual Report to NYS.

For CESQG eligibility assistance, contact:

  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; OR

Businesses and organizations that do not meet the above criteria must contract directly with a licensed hazardous waste contractor in accordance with State and Federal regulations.

These suggestions advise safe disposal or products using the best technology available at the present time. The TCRMM assumes no liability for the effectiveness or results of the procedures described in this website. Recycling or hazardous waste collection programs are the recommended disposal methods for all household hazardous wastes.

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